Svein Terje Tveit


Svein Terje Tveit

Tveit heads the Department of Industry, Energy & Trade at Arntzen de Besche and is ranked as one of the leading lawyers in Norway for competition law and state aid. He is also recognised as an expert on public procurement and general EU/EEA law. He is particularly experienced on matters relating to the sale and distribution of goods, as well as the energy and transport sectors.

Tveit is known for his close follow-up of clients, with the mutual exchange of expertise as a premise for finding good solutions. He is passionate about his work, has a proactive approach and a long-term perspective. Good communication is important for Tveit, who is highly valued as a strategic advisor by his clients.

Tveit is a sought-after public speaker and contributor to books and articles in well-reputed journals on competition law, state aid and public procurement.

In 2022, Svein Terje was appointed by the government as a member of the expert group revising the Norwegian public procurement rules. The first part of the report, NOU 2023:26, was published in November 2023, while the second part, NOU 2024:9, was published in May 2024.

As the partner responsible for AdeB’s participation in Skift, a business-led climate initiative, Tveit engages actively in the field of sustainability, climate and social responsibility. He leads Skift’s work to promote green procurement (link). In addition, Tveit works on matters relating to state aid – an important tool in the energy transition (green shift) – and competition law issues relating to intercompany cooperation in support of sustainability, etc.

Tveit has assisted in many of Norway’s largest and most complex antitrust investigations carried out by the Norwegian Competition Authority and the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA). He assists in all phases of an investigation and compliance case, and has long experience of internal inquiries as well.In these cases, we work closely with leading international law firms, forensic accountants and providers of e-disclosure technology, etc.

Tveit has assisted in dispute cases before the Court of Justice of the European Eunion (CJEU), the EFTA Court, the Norwegian Competition Appeals Tribunal (Konkurranseklagenemnda), the Norwegian Complaints Board (KOFA) and the ordinary Norwegian courts of law. This includes cases relating to compensatory damages for competition law infringements and procurement-related disputes, in connection with which he frequently assists in cases relating to temporary injunctions. 

Tveit is frequently engaged to analyse different issues related to EU/EEA law. For example, he has analysed proposals to prohibit price discrimination, the star scheme for hotels in Norway, a potential ban on palm-oil based biofuel, statutory regulation of the grocery trade and the constraints on state aid to Norwegian industry.

Svein Terje Tveit: an encyclopedia of all regulatory and political development in the EU regarding competition, public procurement and state aid. A “thinker” and dedicated to our industry. Efficient and easy to cooperate with.

Client, Legal 500, 2024


See all

21 August 2024

The Norwegian Competition Authority fines Norway’s three leading grocery chains approximately 420 million euros for illegal information exchange

Norway’s three leading grocery chains – NorgesGruppen, Coop and Rema 1000 – for violating Section 10 of the Norwegian Competition Act (mirroring Article 101 TFEU) by cooperating on the use of so-called price hunters to systematically check prices in competitors' stores. According to the NCA, this constitutes illegal information exchange, which has had a restrictive effect on competition.

What we have done

Arntzen de Besche has assisted Nutreco in a strategic investment in Andfjord Salmon

Animal research and nutrition specialist Nutreco and the Norwegian seafood group Holmøy are taking part in a private placement in Andfjord Salmon. In addition, Andfjord Salmon has entered into an operational feed supply agreement with Nutreco’s aquaculture business line, Skretting. We are proud to assist Nutreco as legal advisors in this process.

Shearwater Geoservices acquires streamers and vessels

Shearwater GeoServices Holding AS (“Shearwater”) today announced two transactions to take over marine seismic acquisition assets previously owned by Polarcus, from Tiger Moth AS, a company affiliated with Woodstreet Inc.

NTS merges with Frøy Gruppen

The Board of Directors in OSE-listed company NTS ASA has entered into an agreement with Gåsø Næringsutvikling AS to merge with Frøy Gruppen. Arntzen de Besche has been legal advisor to both parties in the transaction.


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