Wenche Maartmann-Moe


Wenche Maartmann-Moe

Maartman-Moe specialises in dispute resolution and contract law. She has particular experience of fabrication contracts (construction) and professional liability.

She has acquired considerable experience of managing wide-ranging and complex dispute cases through many years in private practice. Disputes have related to consulting/financial liability, directors’ liability, compensation claims relating to expropriation, final settlement of construction projects and claims relating to various types of commercial contracts. Maartman-Moe is particularly committed to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and is certified as a mediator by the Norwegian Bar Association. She accepts assignments as a mediator in individual cases and as a member of mediation panels for major fabrication projects (PRIME/KLR). Maartman-Moe has experience as an arbitration judge and is frequently appointed as an expert/arbitrator in construction law disputes.

Maartman-Moe assists clients in all phases of a construction project, from initial preparations and contract negotiations to execution and final settlement. She assists with all kinds of fabrication projects relating to buildings, infrastructure and technical installations.

Maartman-Moe is proactive and known for doing her utmost to safeguard her clients’ interests. She is keen to provide clear and balanced advice that also takes her clients’ commercial interests into account. This is illustrated by her commitment to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, which springs from the understanding that it will often be quicker and less expensive for the parties to commercial disputes to investigate the possibility of reaching an amicable solution.

We have had the privilege to work with Wenche Maartmann-Moe, Stian Heimdal and Kjersti Lerkerød over the course of the past year. All of these individuals have shown that they provide the highest level of service for their clients, and they are all experts in their respective fields of law. They are easy to communicate with and they provide valuable advice to their clients.

Client, Legal 500, 2024


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