
Arntzen de Besche strengthens its team with two new partners

It is with great pleasure we can present Vidar Riksjord and Marianne Raa Bjaaland as new partners. Vidar and Marianne will help strengthen our expertise in dispute resolution and real estate.

Vidar Riksjord

Riksfjord started on October 1st, and joins us from the law firm CLP where he has been partner since 2018. Prior to that, he has spent ten years in law firm Schjødt, the last two years as a partner. In addition, he has experience as a deputy judge from Kongsberg- and Nedre Romerike District Court.

Vidar has worked extensively with commercial disputes that arise from share purchase agreements, financing agreements and shareholder agreements throughout his career. He also has extensive experience from cases concerning the misuse of trade secrets, and financial instruments, digital currencies, valuations and other economic issues, as well as employment law.

- We are pleased to have Vidar on board with us, says Andreas B. Nordby, head of the dispute resolution department at the Oslo office. His experience and expertise help strengthen our dispute resolution team.

Marianne Raa Bjaaland

Raa Bjaaland will join us as partner on January 1st 2022, and comes from the position as head of the law office at the co-operative building society Usbl, where she has been for 11 years. Marianne have more than 12 years of experience as a lawyer at OBOS, adviser to the county governor and as a senior adviser in the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

Marianne has extensive experience with structuring properties, development agreements, sectioning, use of the housing cooperative model, construction rights and issues related to the management of ownership and operations. She also has good knowledge of general housing and rent law, planning and building law and real estate law. She has extensive experience from public and private enterprises. She also has thorough knowledge of work with legislative audits and information dissemination.

- We are very pleased to bring Marianne and her expertise in as part of the real estate team in Arntzen de Besche, says Hans Henrik Kværne, head of the real estate department.


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