
Arntzen de Besche er anbefalt i Legal 500s green guide for andre år på rad

I dag ble Legal 500s Green Guide lansert for andre gang, og vi er stolte over å ha blitt rangert sammen med et knippe andre advokatfirmaer i Norge. Bærekraft er et viktig satsingsområde for oss, derfor er dette en viktig anerkjennelse av jobben vi gjør.

Med Green Guide utforsker The Legal 500 advokatbransjens bidrag til det grønne skiftet. Det har de gjort ved å undersøke advokatfirmaenes saksarbeid, knyttet til problemstillinger som søker å redusere klimandringer, eller regulatorisk rådgivning. I tillegg til dette ser de også på firmaenes egne bærekraftsinitiativer.

Årets utgave trekker særlig særlig frem bistand som er gitt til klienter som Enova, den islandske regjeringen, TrønderEnergi og Biokraft. I tillegg anerkjennes vi for vårt samarbeid med Skift- næringslivets klimaledere og arbeidet med grønn uke, at vi er karbonnøytrale og er medlem i UN Global Compact.

Slik blir vi beskrevet i årets utgave:


Within the renewable energy sector, the firm served as sole legal advisor to Enova, the Norwegian state enterprise which manages aid schemes that stimulate the energy transition, assisting with the granting of funds and with electricity law issues.

Another key client is the government of Iceland; Odd-Harald Wasenden provided input on Norwegian wind energy regulation, assisting the client with the development of a regulatory regime for the construction and operation of wind power.

The firm also acted for renewable energy producer TrønderEnergi in HitecVision’s acquisition of 50% of the shares in the client’s wind power, energy management, energy services and hydropower business. The transaction, creating a joint venture between the two companies, will support renewable energy production and electrification across Norway.

Demonstrating experience in alternative fuels, the firm advised Biokraft on the establishment of a 25m m3 liquid biogas plant, one of the largest of its type currently in operation, which will create vehicle fuel from the biomass waste of local fish-farming and paper industries.


«Norwegian UN Global Compact signatory Arntzen de Besche supports clients through the green shift both through its advice on pioneering mandates within the energy transition and through its outreach, such as inviting clients to its ‘Green Week’ to hear from internal and external specialists on green financing, procurement, construction, and corporate strategies.

A member of sustainability forum Skift – Business Climate Leaders, which unites climate-ambitious companies across Norway, the firm advises working committees and corporate clients on sustainable procurement, the energy transition, and potential climate-friendly operations within food production. The firm also provides pro bono regulatory advice to the Norwegian Hydrogen Forum.

Having been carbon neutral since 2019 through purchasing climate quotas from the EU ETS, the firm continues to lower its emissions by reducing paper and energy consumption, limiting travel, and moving its Oslo office into BREEAM Excellent-certified premises.”

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