
Arntzen de Besche has assisted Waterlogic with the acquisition of The Pure Water Company

Waterlogic is a leading global designer, manufacturer, distributor and service provider of purified drinking water dispensers. With the acquisition of The Pure Water Company, Waterlogics will expand their reach and foothold in the Nordic Market.

The Pure Water Company is located in Norway, and also has operations in UK, Sweden and Denmark.

Mattias Källemyr, CEO Waterlogic Nordic, states the following in a press release.

-We are continuing our growth in the Nordic region and can now offer additional solutions that are already trusted and well-recognised in the market. This is strategically important for us as a company, but also provides greater choices for our customers.

We congratulate all parties involved. Our core team consisted of Knut Martinsen, Zohal Safi, Christopher Hestnes, Gro Elin Sønderland and Christian Backe.


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